About Me...


21 y/o Austrian currently studying English Literature and Drama at Queen Mary University in London, whose passion it is to blog about her favourite things in life such as Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle and Food. 

I try to spread positivity and attempt everyday to make this world a brighter place. I live in a terraced house with a tiny garden together with my fiancée.

Pugs are my spirit animals and tea is my magic potion that gives me energy everyday. :)

If you're also a happy little daisy out there that enjoys the things I blog about, join me on this whirlwind journey I am on while chatting about things I love! <3


Why do you sometimes sound like English isn't your mother tongue?

Because it isn't. I'm from Austria and started learning English at age 10. Although I've been living in London for 2 and half years now I occassionally make grammar mistakes. Oops!

Umm...you don't look like 21??

Yupp, guess I don't. I've always been very petite and people generally guess my age 3 years younger than it actually is. 

When did you start blogging?

September 2014 with a blog called Lani's world and the fake name Lani, which is actually my best friend's name. In 2015 I made this blog and decided to get real with y'all. 

Do you collaborate with brands or other bloggers?

Yes I do! My blog is PR friendly and I'd love to team up with you! Just drop me an email at tptmermaid@yahoo.com!

What do you want to do after University?

After graduating me and my fiancee are going to move to Austria for about a year because I got a leading role in an Austrian TV-series. I'll also do my Unterrichtsprakikum there, which is kind of a licence you need to have in order to teach in Austria. Once I optain this I'll also be able to teach in the UK. Basically you need to watch other teachers do their job for a bit and then you'll get the chance to teach yourself-after that you're a licenced teacher. 

Which subjects are you going to teach?

Drama, German and English as a foreign language. 

What do you do for a living besides going to University?

I tutor students and act! Luckily my boyfriend has a good job that allows me to live in a beautiful house with garden!  


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