Hi peeps!
Next week, school is about to start for me again, so I
thought I’d tell you a bit about what to expect when studying Drama,
may it be at University or at High School as I think it’s helpful if
you’re thinking about going towards that direction. Obviously, every
school is different, but must be the same at some point I guess!
most important thing to bring with you is a nice attitude. Teachers
usually look for someone very positive who’s willing to learn new
things, be talkative and socialise a lot. If you are open to new things,
have a strong will and like chatting to others in your class you can’t
go wrong!
They don’t expect you to be an A+ Hollywood
actor. But at least try out everything they want you to do. Drama/Acting
is not the easy class as it appears to some. They want you to fight,
they’ll test your boundaries. Don’t show weakness. I remember my teacher
at Uni playing a game with us. We had to touch as many buttcheeks as
possible in 5 minutes. Weird isn’t it? Not really, compared to other
things you are going to do along the way without batting an eyelash. The
key to such weird tasks is to put on a smile and happily say ‘Okay,
I’ll do that!’ without any doubt. That’s when teachers are about to see
some potential and they start to like you.
Do not
expect teachers to like and treat everyone equally. If they see
potential in someone, they’ll automatically like them. That doesn’t mean
the others don’t have a chance. If you work hard- they’ll notice.
There’s a reason some of your classmates are his/her faves.
ever appear weak in front of your class. This is something people
outside Drama Class constantly nag about. There’s this rumour at my Uni
that we don’t get along in Class, that kindness is all fake and stuff, I
think you know what I mean. This is absolutely sooo not the case! I can
savely say that I get along with everyone in class perfectly! Of course
you like some better that others, but there’s none of those rudeness
towards each other that some claim to see. That whole ‘not appearing to
be weak’ thing doesn’t make us afraid of our classmates. It avoids
bringing other students down due to one student’s inabaility to fulfill a
task. It helps to keep up motivation and ambition. If you don’t know
how to do a task, simply ask your teacher after class and he’ll kindly
explain it to you! Don’t be afraid to ask, just do it after class, Time
is important in those creative classes.
You might get a
teacher you think is absolutely CRAZY, the stereotypical actor who is
over eccentric, way too sarcastic to be funny and very egoistic. You
don’t have to be best friends with them, just get along with him/her and
you’ll eventually find out that these are the teachers you can learn
most from.
ALWAYS give everything! If you really
want to make it on the big screen, work your ass off. Being a Drama
Student doesn’t give you a ticket to Hollywood.
stop trying. Apply for roles in commercials, or sometimes, if your
teacher sees real potential in you, you’ll get them offered in school.
Go for those roles but aspire to something bigger. Don’t sell your
talent to weird commercials or jobs you think are dubious. Knowing the
balance will save your ass ;)
Stay positive! There’ll
be days where it seems like you suck at everything you’re doing. Keep
your head up and keep going. If your Plan A doesn’t work and Plan B
doesn’t either, there are still some more letters in the alphabet ;)
Always remember: Acting is hard duty, but not impossible!
Disclaimer: I am in no way a professional actor, just a student who truly enjoys what she’s doing!
Hope I could help some of you!
All the love,
Today I want to share my experiences with Acne, since Tia asked me to do a post about skin care! I thought this would be interesting and helpful for quite a few of you, because I know that sometimes all you want to do is hide your face or slather a ton of make up on. Acne can actually have a huge impact on your self esteem but I want all of you out there who have to deal with it on a daily basis to know that you are not alone and that it does fade away- even if the situation looks hopeless. My Story... I've been dealing with Acne for quite a long time now. I remember it starting when I was about 10 years old. I would occasionally get a few spots on my forehead, nothing too tragic- if I look at it now. Back then all my friends had flawless skin and this really made me feel ugly and lowered my self esteem. 2 years later when I got my period, those occasional break outs worsened and happened more often. At this point I started wearing make up to cover up my pimples ...
Hello Mermaids!🐟 Since it's getting warmer, my skin is recovering from the tolls winter ❄ has taken and it's breaking out less recently. Overall I'm quite happy with my skin at the moment, in most areas of my face it is acne-free. 👧 However, I do have quite a few acne scars on both of my cheeks and some on my skin due to hormonal break outs. They are fading, but dark spots are still visible. I don't consider myself a beauty blogger, although 'beauty' is one of the topics I talk about on my blog, simply because I like it but I'm not a professional whatsoever. In February I decided to skip foundation which is probably why my skin has gotten so much better. For my everyday make-up I do a VERY minimalistic routine (because I ain't getting up earlier just to contour 🛏) and I found that it actually looks better than using foundation, concealer and whatnot. Products I start off by using my favourite moisturiser L'oreal Paris Skin Perfec...
I haven't ever told you that I'm actually a huge bookworm since I was very little. I learned how to read at age 4 because my granny was a teacher and ever since my night stand is cluttered with books. Some of you might know that I'm studying English Literature though, which I absolutely love! I figured that some of you might enjoy reading just as much as I do, therefore I came up with the idea to show you some of my favourite books that made it onto my night stand this year! PS: My taste in literature is just as weird as my taste in music. It reaches from teen romance novels to Jane Austen to Crime Thrillers. You were warned. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith Who would have guessed that four minutes could change everything? Imagine if she hadn't forgotten the book. Or if there hadn't been traffic on the expressway. Or if she hadn't fumbled the coins for the toll. What if she'd run just that little...
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