KIKO Haul!

Hello beauties!
As school starts tomorrow and the stress will start again, me, my mum and a friend spent the weekend in Trieste/Italy to unwind for a few days more. Fortunately, our hotel was right next to Zara, Mac and KIKO. What a coincidence…
I personally have never heard of this brand let alone seen it in London, therefore I had no idea of how great this is! They also had a huge sale department of eye shadows and almost all nail polishes! Oh eem geeeh, I know right?!

The first thing I picked up were this two lovely eyeshadows, which were at the clearance sale department and I am SO eager to try them out!

This beauty is very similar to the Catrice one I showed you in my last post, maybe a little bit more purpley. It’s in colour 233 and part of the Infinity range.

How gorgeous is thiiiiiiis one???? I imagine it going with literally everything, you could do a smokey eye, subtle with brown, autumnal with copper, fancy with pink… just woah! This one is in colour 238 and part of the Infinity range as well.

Theeeeeese colours just scream autumn right? And they were only EUR 1.99!
from left to right:
514 - 497 - 381

Theses are a little brighter but not any less amazing!
from left to right:
845 - 317 - 361
How to purchase those items:
How did you spend your last days of school? I’d love to know!
All the love,


  1. Never tried Kiko but those nail varnish colours look amazing! *High Five* January Babies by the way! :)
    -Morgan x

    1. I do love KIKO as well! Thanks for commenting on one of my older posts, my English was horrible back then :o

      xoxo Julia


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