DIY Lemon&Sugar Cleansing Paste

"If life gives you lemons, throw them into a food processor and make an amazing cleansing paste!"

As you might have already noticed, I'm currently sharing all of my natural skin care recipes on here! Last week I did a post on how to make your own DIY Lemon Toner and today I want to share one of my favourite DIY products ever made! It is really easy and unlike some other DIY skin care recipes you won't need any ingredients that are difficult to get. You might even find every item in your kitchen! 

  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp raw honey 
  • 1 tbsp oil ( I used grape seed oil, but olive oil or coconut oil will do as well)
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil 
Why it works:

Lemon: Naturally lightens your skin and therefore gets rid of acne scars.
Sugar: Exfoliates gently.
Honey: Due to its antibacterial feature it's very beneficial for acne/blemish - prone skin. It also soothes your skin and removes redness.
Oil: Moisturises gently without clogging your pores.
Tea Tree Oil: Antibacterial and a life saver when it comes to acne. Just a few drops can improve the appearance of your skin drastically.


  1. Peel the lemon and and throw it into your food processor until you end up with a smooth pulp.  
  2. Combine honey and sugar in a separate bowl, then add your oils. 
  3. Mix the lemon pulp into your honey/sugar/oil combination.

You'll end up with an orangey mixture that smells HEAVENLY! It should somehow look like on the photo above. I filled it into an empty moisturiser jar that I thoroughly cleaned before. I use my cleansing paste twice a day just as you would with a regular cleanser. The only difference is the texture and you also need a minimal amount of the paste.Make sure to tone, moisturise and use sun screen afterwards.

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or different recipes for skin, let me and other readers know in the comments below!

Lots of love,

Julia xx


  1. Blooming amazing. Natural, home made goodies for your face with no nasties! Perfect for people like us who have sensitive skin to any additives and nasties. I'd honestly love to feature you in my guest section of my site ( if you ever wanted to do such a thing! Youre right on topic with my love for all things organically awesome, so do totally get in touch via the page if you'd like!!
    So cool!
    Sally xoxo

    1. Yeah, I'll make sure to check it out! Thanks for the super cute comment! xx Julia


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