What's in my washbag? Barcelona Edition

This year, my boyfriend surprised me with a very special Valentine's Present!

Last year we drove to Dorset/UK wich was really amazing, but this year he decided to book a lovely hotel  in Barcelona/Spain which was sooo cool since I've never been in Spain! ( Although I still wonder how he managed to organise this all by himself...)

As you're reading this I'll probably be sitting on the plane flying back to rainy London, but in this post I want to share some of the products I've taken with me!

Ziaja cocoa butter creamy shower soap

Syoss Professional Performance Renew 7 Complete Repair Conditioner

    Syoss Professional Performance Keratin Hair Perfection Shampoo

    Balea Pink Grapefruit Shaving Gel

    Ziaja Natural Olive Body Butter
    Hollister Solana Beach Body Mist
      (If you're wondering why there are barely any face products mentioned, that's because I'm making them all by myself! If you want a natural skin care routine post, let me know in the comments below!)

      How did you spend Valentine's day?




      1. Currently, the only thing I apply on my face is sunscreen! I get acne even if I use anti-acne skincare:/ It will be great if you post about your natural skincare routine!

        1. Try dipping a q-tip into tea tree oil and apply this after washing your face!It's antibacterial and really has helped with my acne! The other thing that played a major part in curing my acne is soaking a tea towel under hot water and holding it closely to my face after removing make up, this way your pores open and you can use an anti-bacterial and gentle cleanser (I use plain raw honey). After you're done with cleansing tone your skin with ice cold water xx

      2. The products you chose look lovely - but what is Beach Body Mist for?

        1. It's kind of like a fragrance, but not as expensive and sophisticated. People use it to smell nice ;)

          Hope I could help ! xx Julia


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