Luscious Lace: Farfetch Lingerie!

You might know that I like to save money whenever possible, however this does not apply to Lingerie. I feel like it is really important to spend a little more and get better support for something you wear on a daily basis. This year, Lingerie has slowly made it's way from underneath our clothes to the surface and items such as Bralettes, lacey bodies and even panties set the trend for the summer. I love me a cute Bralette, especially now when it's hot out there you need the appropriate attire! Farfetch's new Lingerie Collection has got you covered with whatever you desire! I spend quite a few pounds on some sexy items yesterday but it's totally worth it! 

In the image above I created an outfit which is all about Lingerie. If styled well, underwear can be worn shamelessly and set a fashion statement! I decided to choose black and light pink as  the main colour scheme because for me those colours are sexy but also elegant, especially worn together with the luxurious high waisted wide leg pants and stilettos. I chose the body and a black Bralette to be the two main items due to them looking so incredibly elegant and fashionable. Plus- the copper belt was love at first sigh.

The hat and the extraordinary earrings add to the style I was going for- Sexy and cute but still Classy!

Roksanda high waisted wide leg pants
€495 -

Maison Close 'La Cavaliere' body
€195 -

For Love Lemons floral lingerie
€175 -

Charlotte Russe strappy lace up sandals
€32 -

Vegan leather crossbody bag
€61 -

Bebe earrings jewelry
€21 -

LULUS lulu jewelry
€12 -

€7,08 -

What Lingerie item do you like to wear on the outside this year? Let me and the other readers know in the comments below! Thanks for reading,

J. xx

This post is part of a competition by Farfetch. I do not get paid for advertising them and chose to blog about it because I like their items and the trend that's currently going on. 


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