Today I want to share my experiences with Acne, since Tia asked me to do a post about skin care! I thought this would be interesting and helpful for quite a few of you, because I know that sometimes all you want to do is hide your face or slather a ton of make up on. Acne can actually have a huge impact on your self esteem but I want all of you out there who have to deal with it on a daily basis to know that you are not alone and that it does fade away- even if the situation looks hopeless. My Story... I've been dealing with Acne for quite a long time now. I remember it starting when I was about 10 years old. I would occasionally get a few spots on my forehead, nothing too tragic- if I look at it now. Back then all my friends had flawless skin and this really made me feel ugly and lowered my self esteem. 2 years later when I got my period, those occasional break outs worsened and happened more often. At this point I started wearing make up to cover up my pimples ...
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