Nail Polish Favourites - Spring Edition!

Today I thought I'd share some of my favourite Nail polishes with you since  they can really add that little bit of extra to any of your outfits! In spring I find myself reaching mostly for pastels but also for vibrant and bright colours that really pop out!

 1) essence nude glam: 05 cafe ole

I absolutely love this colour for almost all occasions therefore I've already used up a lot of bottles! One thing I really love about essence nail polishes is that even though this specific one is not quick dry, they do dry super quickly and also start to chip quite late for such a bargain!

 2) essence the GEL NAIL polish: 37 serendipity

This one is actually a gel nail polish, but if you don't own their gel nail kit like me, this nail polish applies just like a normal one would and dries just as quickly as well! Plus, I absolutely love the name!

 3) essence Brit - Tea nail polish: Have a beau - tea - full day

 Not gonna lie, I only bought this one because of the cute title and the pun. I am a huge lover of everything mint though, so this one is a must have for spring! It's actually an effect nail polish, which means that it somehow looks matte but shimmery! Super elegant!

 4) KIKO: 389

I can't really tell you much about this one except that I totally love it! Perfect  colour, easy to apply and dries quickly!

 5) KIKO: 361

I am absolutely in love with this colour! It isn't a shade I would usually go for, but now I find myself reaching for it really often! It's also great for Summer!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! If you want, leave a comment below, I love reading them and reply to you guys! xx



  1. I love the mint coloured one.
    The photos are stunning!
    Bella xx

  2. The first one looks beautiful!
    Elle xxx

    1. I love it as well! Thanks for your cute comment! xx

  3. What a fun post - I have enjoyed following your blog and have nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can check out the post here:
    Happy Monday!

    1. Thanks for following! I'll make sure to check it out! xx

  4. Beautiful nail polishes! Sounds like something I would really love to try.

  5. Nice selection - I would wear all of these! x

    Kate Louise Blogs


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