January Playlist 2016

Today I decided to share my favourite songs I've been listening to this January which I absolutely love. Just to warn you, I got a weird taste in music! ;)

  • Love Yourself-Justin Bieber (Never really liked JB, was more of a 1D girl, but I really enjoy listening to his new album!)
  • Ex's and Oh's (Ohhhh my god this is by far my favourite this month!!!)
  • Sing-My Chemical Romance (My boyfriend put this on while we were driving home from Yorkshire and I loved it!)
  • Lightning Bold-Jake Bugg (This used to be my favourite a long time ago and I'm glad I re-discovered it!
  • Hold my hand-Jess Glynne (Since July, this song has been on every playlist of mine!)
  • Sugar-Maroon 5 (Also an 'old' favourite. It recently came on on the radio and now I'm really into it again!)
  • History-One Direction (Looove this one, it makes me smile and makes me want to jump around on a pub's table ;))
  • Hey Mama-David Guetta (This song instantly turns me into a little Badass and makes me want to be part of a super cool gang)

 Thanks for stopping by! I'd be super happy if you left a comment and I'll make sure to respond as soon as possible!




  1. Hi,
    Kat and I have been reading through your blog and have nominated you for the Beauty Blogger award tag! Go over to our blog to find the rules and questions! Enjoy!
    Elle xxx

  2. Great playlist! I love Jake Bugg!



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