Fresh Make-up For The Broke Ones

I personally find it quite hard to look fresh and awake on mornings, especially in Autumn and Winter. Don't get me wrong, I love Autumn, but getting up at 6 every moring is a struggle for me really, not gonna lie. I'd rather cuddle up under warm blankets and snooze for another few hours instead of getting dressed at stupid o'clock and jumping right into the crowded London tubes. One way or another, there's no escape.
Recently I played a little with my make up and tried to achieve a fresh look to cover up my sleepiness. I then came up with this super simple look that really makes you look awake! (And also as if you'd have control over your chaos life)

I went on Pinterest to search for a similar picture, becuase I don't feel comfortable enough to show my face to everyone on the internet.(Sozzzzz)

This look doesn't only make you look pulled together but also saves a lot of time in the mornig!
(and money, if you use the same products as me)
Photo: Henry Leutwyler We’ve seen it everywhere from runways to magazine covers —the no-makeup makeup look. The concept is simple: makeup that complements your features, without it looking like you are actually wearing any at all. Related: Get Perfectly Flushed Winter Cheeks The focus is on perfecting the skin, so start with concealing any blemishes. Use a yellow-based concealer to cover any red or purple color around the eyes.:

What you'll need...

  •  Concealer (essence stay all day 16h/No. 10-Natural Beige)
  • Powder (LOOK soft touch powder make-up/No.11 Ivory)
  • Eyebrow Pen (b.pretty/No.3)
  • Light Eyeshadow, preferably beige/nude tones (H&M Nudes eyeshadow palette/No. 2 Champagne)
  •  White Eyeshadow (b.pretty/No.6)
  • Mascara (essence I love extreme volume mascara)
  • Lip Balm/Nude Lipstick/Subtle Lipgloss (BaleaYoung Sweet Tooth)

How to... 

  • Cover up any blemishes, redness etc with your concealer, then subtly apply some powder 
  • Do what you have to do in order to tame your brows, since everyones browsies are different I am not going to give you instructions on that 
  •  Apply your light eyeshadow on your lid and blend it in with the white eyeshadow which will be allplied into the crease of your eye.
  • Coat your lashes with some mascara, make sure to not go over board
  • Finish off by applying some lip-/stick/balm/gloss
Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Here you go! You'll look awesome and awake, let's start your new day with lots of Energy, Positivity, and Happiness!

Hope you enjoyed reading, I for sure loved writing ir for you! If you have any requests, ideas on improvement etc. just let me know!

Thanks for reading,



  1. great post! thank you for the lovely comment on my recent post, I would of replied there but your comment didn't have a reply button so I opted for this way instead haha :)


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