Studying Tips | Collab with Steph's World!

Hi there fellow mermaids! The summer is getting to an end (at least here in the UK) which means holidays are almost over too or already are- depending where you live. I personally start University at 12th September- my senior year!! (Let me know in the comments below which grade you're in and when you start/started school!) Alright, now let's get to the fun part. For this post I collaborated with Steph from Steph's World and we decided to do a post on Studying Tips (as you might have already guessed by the title haha) but this one's a little different from the ordinary ones. Keep on reading to get some tips from someone who is still in University and someone who has already graduated! How to take notes the right way and why you should make them look pretty It doesn't matter if you're still in High School or already in University- taking notes is always important, however if you don't do it properly you'll end up not wanting to study with...